Typedefs | |
typedef std::shared_ptr< AuthenticationDataProvider > | AuthenticationDataPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Authentication > | AuthenticationPtr |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | ParamMap |
typedef std::function< std::string()> | TokenSupplier |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Oauth2TokenResult > | Oauth2TokenResultPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Oauth2Flow > | FlowPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< CachedToken > | CachedTokenPtr |
typedef std::function< void(Result result, BrokerConsumerStats brokerConsumerStats)> | BrokerConsumerStatsCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result, Producer)> | CreateProducerCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result, Consumer)> | SubscribeCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result, Reader)> | ReaderCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result, TableView)> | TableViewCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result, const std::vector< std::string > &)> | GetPartitionsCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result)> | CloseCallback |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ConsumerImplBase > | ConsumerImplBasePtr |
typedef std::vector< Message > | Messages |
Callback definition for non-data operation. | |
typedef std::function< void(Result result)> | ResultCallback |
Callback definition for non-data operation. | |
typedef std::function< void(Result, const Message &msg)> | ReceiveCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result, const Messages &msgs)> | BatchReceiveCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result result, MessageId messageId)> | GetLastMessageIdCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Consumer &consumer, const Message &msg)> | MessageListener |
Callback definition for MessageListener. | |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ConsumerEventListener > | ConsumerEventListenerPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ConsumerInterceptor > | ConsumerInterceptorPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< CryptoKeyReader > | CryptoKeyReaderPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< EncryptionKeyInfoImpl > | EncryptionKeyInfoImplPtr |
typedef std::pair< int, int > | StickyRange |
typedef std::vector< StickyRange > | StickyRanges |
typedef std::vector< MessageId > | MessageIdList |
typedef std::shared_ptr< MessageRoutingPolicy > | MessageRoutingPolicyPtr |
typedef std::function< void(Result)> | FlushCallback |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ProducerImplBase > | ProducerImplBasePtr |
typedef std::function< void(Result, const MessageId &messageId)> | SendCallback |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ProducerInterceptor > | ProducerInterceptorPtr |
typedef std::function< void(Result result, bool hasMessageAvailable)> | HasMessageAvailableCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Result result, const Message &message)> | ReadNextCallback |
typedef std::function< void(Reader reader, const Message &msg)> | ReaderListener |
Callback definition for MessageListener. | |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | StringMap |
typedef std::function< void(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)> | TableViewAction |
using | BytesMessageBuilder = TypedMessageBuilder<std::string> |
Functions | |
PULSAR_PUBLIC SchemaInfo | createProtobufNativeSchema (const google::protobuf::Descriptor *descriptor) |
PULSAR_PUBLIC const char * | strResult (Result result) |
PULSAR_PUBLIC std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, pulsar::Result result) |
PULSAR_PUBLIC const char * | strEncodingType (pulsar::KeyValueEncodingType encodingType) |
PULSAR_PUBLIC KeyValueEncodingType | enumEncodingType (std::string encodingTypeStr) |
PULSAR_PUBLIC const char * | strSchemaType (SchemaType schemaType) |
PULSAR_PUBLIC SchemaType | enumSchemaType (std::string schemaTypeStr) |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
enum pulsar::ConsumerType |
strong |
enum pulsar::Result |
Collection of return codes
Enumerator | |
ResultOk | An internal error code used for retry. |
ResultUnknownError | Operation successful. |
ResultInvalidConfiguration | Unknown error happened on broker. |
ResultTimeout | Invalid configuration. |
ResultLookupError | Operation timed out. |
ResultConnectError | Broker lookup failed. |
ResultReadError | Failed to connect to broker. |
ResultAuthenticationError | Failed to read from socket. |
ResultAuthorizationError | Authentication failed on broker. |
ResultErrorGettingAuthenticationData | Client is not authorized to create producer/consumer. |
ResultBrokerMetadataError | Client cannot find authorization data. |
ResultBrokerPersistenceError | Broker failed in updating metadata. |
ResultChecksumError | Broker failed to persist entry. |
ResultConsumerBusy | Corrupt message checksum failure. |
ResultNotConnected | Exclusive consumer is already connected. |
ResultAlreadyClosed | Producer/Consumer is not currently connected to broker. |
ResultInvalidMessage | Producer/Consumer is already closed and not accepting any operation. |
ResultConsumerNotInitialized | Error in publishing an already used message. |
ResultProducerNotInitialized | Consumer is not initialized. |
ResultProducerBusy | Producer is not initialized. |
ResultTooManyLookupRequestException | Producer with same name is already connected. |
ResultInvalidTopicName | Too Many concurrent LookupRequest. |
ResultInvalidUrl | Invalid topic name. |
ResultServiceUnitNotReady | Client Initialized with Invalid Broker Url (VIP Url passed to Client Constructor) |
ResultOperationNotSupported | Service Unit unloaded between client did lookup and producer/consumer got created |
ResultProducerBlockedQuotaExceededException | Producer is blocked. |
ResultProducerQueueIsFull | Producer is getting exception. |
ResultMessageTooBig | Producer queue is full. |
ResultTopicNotFound | Trying to send a messages exceeding the max size. |
ResultSubscriptionNotFound | Topic not found. |
ResultConsumerNotFound | Subscription not found. |
ResultUnsupportedVersionError | Consumer not found. |
ResultTopicTerminated | Error when an older client/version doesn't support a required feature. |
ResultCryptoError | Topic was already terminated. |
ResultIncompatibleSchema | Error when crypto operation fails. |
ResultConsumerAssignError | Specified schema is incompatible with the topic's schema. |
ResultCumulativeAcknowledgementNotAllowedError | Error when a new consumer connected but can't assign messages to this consumer |
ResultTransactionCoordinatorNotFoundError | Not allowed to call cumulativeAcknowledgement in Shared and Key_Shared subscription mode |
ResultInvalidTxnStatusError | Transaction coordinator not found. |
ResultNotAllowedError | Invalid txn status error. |
ResultTransactionConflict | Not allowed. |
ResultTransactionNotFound | Transaction ack conflict. |
ResultProducerFenced | Transaction not found. |
ResultMemoryBufferIsFull | Producer was fenced by broker. |
ResultInterrupted | Client-wide memory limit has been reached. |
ResultDisconnected | Interrupted while waiting to dequeue. |
enum pulsar::SchemaType |
PULSAR_PUBLIC SchemaInfo pulsar::createProtobufNativeSchema | ( | const google::protobuf::Descriptor * | descriptor | ) |
Create a protobuf native schema using a descriptor.
descriptor | the Descriptor object of the target class |
std::invalid_argument | if descriptor is nullptr |