No Matches
pulsar::ClientConfiguration Class Reference

Public Types

enum  ProxyProtocol { SNI = 0 }

Public Member Functions

 ClientConfiguration (const ClientConfiguration &)
ClientConfigurationoperator= (const ClientConfiguration &)
ClientConfigurationsetMemoryLimit (uint64_t memoryLimitBytes)
uint64_t getMemoryLimit () const
ClientConfigurationsetConnectionsPerBroker (int connectionsPerBroker)
int getConnectionsPerBroker () const
ClientConfigurationsetAuth (const AuthenticationPtr &authentication)
AuthenticationgetAuth () const
ClientConfigurationsetOperationTimeoutSeconds (int timeout)
int getOperationTimeoutSeconds () const
ClientConfigurationsetIOThreads (int threads)
int getIOThreads () const
ClientConfigurationsetMessageListenerThreads (int threads)
int getMessageListenerThreads () const
ClientConfigurationsetConcurrentLookupRequest (int concurrentLookupRequest)
int getConcurrentLookupRequest () const
ClientConfigurationsetMaxLookupRedirects (int maxLookupRedirects)
int getMaxLookupRedirects () const
ClientConfigurationsetInitialBackoffIntervalMs (int initialBackoffIntervalMs)
int getInitialBackoffIntervalMs () const
ClientConfigurationsetMaxBackoffIntervalMs (int maxBackoffIntervalMs)
int getMaxBackoffIntervalMs () const
ClientConfigurationsetLogger (LoggerFactory *loggerFactory)
ClientConfigurationsetUseTls (bool useTls)
bool isUseTls () const
ClientConfigurationsetTlsPrivateKeyFilePath (const std::string &tlsKeyFilePath)
const std::string & getTlsPrivateKeyFilePath () const
ClientConfigurationsetTlsCertificateFilePath (const std::string &tlsCertificateFilePath)
const std::string & getTlsCertificateFilePath () const
ClientConfigurationsetTlsTrustCertsFilePath (const std::string &tlsTrustCertsFilePath)
const std::string & getTlsTrustCertsFilePath () const
ClientConfigurationsetTlsAllowInsecureConnection (bool allowInsecure)
bool isTlsAllowInsecureConnection () const
ClientConfigurationsetValidateHostName (bool validateHostName)
bool isValidateHostName () const
ClientConfigurationsetListenerName (const std::string &listenerName)
const std::string & getListenerName () const
ClientConfigurationsetStatsIntervalInSeconds (const unsigned int &)
const unsigned int & getStatsIntervalInSeconds () const
ClientConfigurationsetPartititionsUpdateInterval (unsigned int intervalInSeconds)
unsigned int getPartitionsUpdateInterval () const
ClientConfigurationsetConnectionTimeout (int timeoutMs)
ClientConfigurationsetProxyServiceUrl (const std::string &proxyServiceUrl)
const std::string & getProxyServiceUrl () const
ClientConfigurationsetProxyProtocol (ProxyProtocol proxyProtocol)
ProxyProtocol getProxyProtocol () const
int getConnectionTimeout () const


class ClientImpl
class PulsarWrapper

Member Function Documentation

◆ getAuth()

Authentication & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getAuth ( ) const
the authentication data

◆ getConcurrentLookupRequest()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getConcurrentLookupRequest ( ) const
Get configured total allowed concurrent lookup-request.

◆ getConnectionsPerBroker()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getConnectionsPerBroker ( ) const
the max number of connection that the client library will open to a single broker

◆ getConnectionTimeout()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getConnectionTimeout ( ) const

The getter associated with setConnectionTimeout().

◆ getInitialBackoffIntervalMs()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getInitialBackoffIntervalMs ( ) const
Get initial backoff interval in milliseconds.

◆ getIOThreads()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getIOThreads ( ) const
the number of IO threads to use

◆ getListenerName()

const std::string & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getListenerName ( ) const
the listener name for the broker

◆ getMaxBackoffIntervalMs()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getMaxBackoffIntervalMs ( ) const
Get max backoff interval in milliseconds.

◆ getMaxLookupRedirects()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getMaxLookupRedirects ( ) const
Get configured total allowed lookup redirecting.

◆ getMemoryLimit()

uint64_t pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getMemoryLimit ( ) const
the client memory limit in bytes

◆ getMessageListenerThreads()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getMessageListenerThreads ( ) const
the number of IO threads to use

◆ getOperationTimeoutSeconds()

int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getOperationTimeoutSeconds ( ) const
the client operations timeout in seconds

◆ getPartitionsUpdateInterval()

unsigned int pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getPartitionsUpdateInterval ( ) const

Get partitions update interval in seconds.

◆ getStatsIntervalInSeconds()

const unsigned int & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getStatsIntervalInSeconds ( ) const
the stats interval configured for the client

◆ getTlsCertificateFilePath()

const std::string & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getTlsCertificateFilePath ( ) const
the path to the TLS certificate file

◆ getTlsPrivateKeyFilePath()

const std::string & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getTlsPrivateKeyFilePath ( ) const
the path to the TLS private key file

◆ getTlsTrustCertsFilePath()

const std::string & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::getTlsTrustCertsFilePath ( ) const
the path to the trusted TLS certificate file

◆ isTlsAllowInsecureConnection()

bool pulsar::ClientConfiguration::isTlsAllowInsecureConnection ( ) const
whether the Pulsar client accepts untrusted TLS certificates from brokers

◆ isUseTls()

bool pulsar::ClientConfiguration::isUseTls ( ) const
whether the TLS encryption is used on the connections

◆ isValidateHostName()

bool pulsar::ClientConfiguration::isValidateHostName ( ) const
true if the TLS hostname verification is enabled

◆ setAuth()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setAuth ( const AuthenticationPtr & authentication)

Set the authentication method to be used with the broker

authenticationthe authentication data to use

◆ setConcurrentLookupRequest()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setConcurrentLookupRequest ( int concurrentLookupRequest)

Number of concurrent lookup-requests allowed on each broker-connection to prevent overload on broker. (default: 50000) It should be configured with higher value only in case of it requires to produce/subscribe on thousands of topic using created PulsarClient


◆ setConnectionsPerBroker()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setConnectionsPerBroker ( int connectionsPerBroker)

Sets the max number of connection that the client library will open to a single broker. By default, the connection pool will use a single connection for all the producers and consumers. Increasing this parameter may improve throughput when using many producers over a high latency connection.

connectionsPerBrokermax number of connections per broker (needs to be greater than 0)

◆ setConnectionTimeout()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setConnectionTimeout ( int timeoutMs)

Set the duration of time to wait for a connection to a broker to be established. If the duration passes without a response from the broker, the connection attempt is dropped.

Default: 10000

timeoutMsthe duration in milliseconds

◆ setInitialBackoffIntervalMs()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setInitialBackoffIntervalMs ( int initialBackoffIntervalMs)

Initial backoff interval in milliseconds. (default: 100)


◆ setIOThreads()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setIOThreads ( int threads)

Set the number of IO threads to be used by the Pulsar client. Default is 1 thread.

threadsnumber of threads

◆ setListenerName()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setListenerName ( const std::string & listenerName)

Configure the listener name that the broker returns the corresponding advertisedListener.

namethe listener name

◆ setLogger()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setLogger ( LoggerFactory * loggerFactory)

Configure a custom logger backend to route of Pulsar client library to a different logger implementation.

By default, log messages are printed on standard output.

When passed in, the configuration takes ownership of the loggerFactory object. The logger factory can only be set once per process. Any subsequent calls to set the logger factory will have no effect, though the logger factory object will be cleaned up.

◆ setMaxBackoffIntervalMs()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setMaxBackoffIntervalMs ( int maxBackoffIntervalMs)

Max backoff interval in milliseconds. (default: 60000)


◆ setMaxLookupRedirects()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setMaxLookupRedirects ( int maxLookupRedirects)

Max number of lookup redirection allowed on each look request to prevent overload on broker. (default: 20)


◆ setMemoryLimit()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setMemoryLimit ( uint64_t memoryLimitBytes)

Configure a limit on the amount of memory that will be allocated by this client instance. Setting this to 0 will disable the limit. By default this is disabled.

memoryLimitBytesthe memory limit

◆ setMessageListenerThreads()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setMessageListenerThreads ( int threads)

Set the number of threads to be used by the Pulsar client when delivering messages through message listener. Default is 1 thread per Pulsar client.

If using more than 1 thread, messages for distinct MessageListener will be delivered in different threads, however a single MessageListener will always be assigned to the same thread.

threadsnumber of threads

◆ setOperationTimeoutSeconds()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setOperationTimeoutSeconds ( int timeout)

Set timeout on client operations (subscribe, create producer, close, unsubscribe) Default is 30 seconds.

timeoutthe timeout after which the operation will be considered as failed

◆ setPartititionsUpdateInterval()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setPartititionsUpdateInterval ( unsigned int intervalInSeconds)

Set partitions update interval in seconds. If a partitioned topic is produced or subscribed and intervalInSeconds is not 0, every intervalInSeconds seconds the partition number will be retrieved by sending lookup requests. If partition number has been increased, more producer/consumer of increased partitions will be created. Default is 60 seconds.

intervalInSecondsthe seconds between two lookup request for partitioned topic's metadata

◆ setProxyProtocol()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setProxyProtocol ( ProxyProtocol proxyProtocol)

Set appropriate proxy-protocol along with proxy-service url. Currently Pulsar supports SNI proxy routing.

SNI routing: https://docs.trafficserver.apache.org/en/latest/admin-guide/layer-4-routing.en.html#sni-routing.

proxyProtocolpossible options (SNI)

◆ setProxyServiceUrl()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setProxyServiceUrl ( const std::string & proxyServiceUrl)

Set proxy-service url when client would like to connect to broker via proxy. Client must configure both proxyServiceUrl and appropriate proxyProtocol.

Example: pulsar+ssl://ats-proxy.example.com:4443

proxyServiceUrlproxy url to connect with broker

◆ setStatsIntervalInSeconds()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setStatsIntervalInSeconds ( const unsigned int & )

Initialize stats interval in seconds. Stats are printed and reset after every statsIntervalInSeconds.

Default: 600

Set to 0 means disabling stats collection.

◆ setTlsAllowInsecureConnection()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setTlsAllowInsecureConnection ( bool allowInsecure)

Configure whether the Pulsar client accepts untrusted TLS certificates from brokers.

The default value is false.


◆ setTlsCertificateFilePath()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setTlsCertificateFilePath ( const std::string & tlsCertificateFilePath)

Set the path to the TLS certificate file.


◆ setTlsPrivateKeyFilePath()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setTlsPrivateKeyFilePath ( const std::string & tlsKeyFilePath)

Set the path to the TLS private key file.


◆ setTlsTrustCertsFilePath()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setTlsTrustCertsFilePath ( const std::string & tlsTrustCertsFilePath)

Set the path to the trusted TLS certificate file.


◆ setUseTls()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setUseTls ( bool useTls)

Configure whether to use the TLS encryption on the connections.

The default value is false.


◆ setValidateHostName()

ClientConfiguration & pulsar::ClientConfiguration::setValidateHostName ( bool validateHostName)

Configure whether it allows validating hostname verification when a client connects to a broker over TLS.

It validates the incoming x509 certificate and matches the provided hostname (CN/SAN) with the expected broker's hostname. It follows the server identity hostname verification in RFC 2818.

The default value is false.

See also
RFC 2818.
validateHostNamewhether to enable the TLS hostname verification

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