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Welcome to the Pulsar Community

The Apache Pulsar community includes people from around the globe who are developing and using the messaging and streaming platform for real-time workloads. We welcome contributions from anyone with a passion for distributed systems.

About the Community

The Pulsar community is composed of members of the Project Management Committee (PMC), committers, and contributors. Committers have direct access to the source of a project and actively evolve the codebase. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to be reviewed by the committers. The number of committers and contributors to the project is unbounded.

A successful project requires many people to play many roles.

Some write code or documentation, while others are valuable as testers, submitting patches, and suggestions.
Get involved today!
All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.

Read the Apache Code of Conduct and Reporting Guidelines.


Please notice that security-related issues or concerns should not be reported in public channels.
Please follow the instructions in the Security Policy to contact the ASF Security Team.


Use it for instant messaging and real-time discussions.
You can search the Slack discussions history on Linen.

Developer Mailing List

Questions and discussions related to Pulsar development.

Community Meetings

The community meeting occurs biweekly on Thursdays to discuss new proposals, open pull requests, and host open discussions.

Discussions at GitHub

A good place to ask any question, bring an idea or get support. Especially if you are not friends with mailing lists.

Stack Overflow

For technical questions, we ask that you post them to Stack Overflow using the tag apache-pulsar.

User Mailing List

General mailing list for user-related discussions.


Welcome to the unofficial Apache Pulsar Account at WeChat! The account ID is ApachePulsar.

How to Contribute

Contributing to the Project

Pulsar has many different opportunities for contributions — you can write new examples/tutorials, add new user-facing libraries, write new Pulsar IO connectors, participate in documentation, and more.

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter a problem with Pulsar, the first places to ask for help are the user mailing list or Stack Overflow.
If, after having asked for help, you suspect that you have found a bug in Pulsar, you should report it to the developer mailing list or by opening GitHub Issue. Please provide as much detail as you can on your problem. Don't forget to indicate which version of Pulsar you are running and on which environment.

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report a vulnerability for Pulsar, contact the Apache Security Team.
The process for reporting a vulnerability is outlined here. When reporting a vulnerability to, you can copy your email to to send your report to the Apache Pulsar Project Management Committee. This is a private mailing list.

Project Governance

Project Management Committee (PMC).
Apache Pulsar is independently managed by its PMC, the governing body tasked with project management.

Members are resposible for Technical direction, Voting on new committers and PMC members, Setting policies and Formally voting on software product releases.

Learn more about Project independence overview, PMCs, Voting process and The Apache way guidelines

Meet the Community

Pulsar trusted community

Join us and start contributing

Slack members
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