Set up Java client
Install Java client library
The latest version of the Pulsar Java client library is available via Maven Central. To use the latest version, add the pulsar-client
library to your build configuration.
shade dependencies via maven-shade-plugin to avoid conflicts of the underlying dependency packages (such as Netty). If you do not want to manage dependency conflicts manually, you can use them.pulsar-client-original
does not shade dependencies. If you want to manage dependencies manually, you can use them.
If you use Maven, add the following information to the pom.xml
<!-- in your <properties> block -->
<!-- in your <dependencies> block -->
If you use Gradle, add the following information to the build.gradle
def pulsarVersion = '3.0.10'
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.apache.pulsar', name: 'pulsar-client', version: pulsarVersion
Connect to Pulsar cluster
To connect to Pulsar using client libraries, you need to specify a Pulsar protocol URL.
You can assign Pulsar protocol URLs to specific clusters and use the pulsar
scheme. The following is an example of localhost
with the default port 6650
If you have multiple brokers, separate IP:port
by commas:
If you use mTLS authentication, add +ssl
in the scheme:
Java client Performance considerations
Increasing the memory limit
For high-throughput applications, you can increase the amount of memory with the Java client builder's memoryLimit
configuration option. The default limit is 64MB which is usually too low for high-throughput applications.
By default Java applications have a limit for direct memory allocations. The allocations are limited by the -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize
JVM option. In many JVM implementations, this defaults to the maximum heap size unless explicitly set. Allocations happen outside of the Java heap.
Enabling optimized Netty direct memory buffer access
The Pulsar Java client uses Netty under the hood and uses Netty direct buffers for data transport.
Netty has a feature that allows optimized direct memory buffer access. This feature enables Netty to use low level APIs such as sun.misc.Unsafe
for direct memory operations, which provides faster allocation and deallocation of direct buffers.
The faster deallocation can help avoid direct memory exhaustion and java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
errors. These errors can occur when the Netty memory pool and memory allocator cannot release memory back to the operating system quickly enough.
To enable this feature in Java clients since Java 11, you need to add the following JVM options to the application that uses the Java client:
--add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED
In addition, you need to add one of the following JVM options:
for the default shaded Pulsar client-Dio.netty.tryReflectionSetAccessible=true
for the unshaded "original" Pulsar client