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Redis sink connector


You can download all the Pulsar connectors on download page.

The Redis sink connector pulls messages from Pulsar topics and persists the messages to a Redis database.


The configuration of the Redis sink connector has the following properties.


redisHostsStringtrue" " (empty string)A comma-separated list of Redis hosts to connect to.
redisPasswordStringfalse" " (empty string)The password used to connect to Redis.
redisDatabaseinttrue0The Redis database to connect to.
clientModeStringfalseStandaloneThe client mode when interacting with Redis cluster.

Below are the available options:
  • Standalone
  • Cluster
  • autoReconnectbooleanfalsetrueWhether the Redis client automatically reconnect or not.
    requestQueueintfalse2147483647The maximum number of queued requests to Redis.
    tcpNoDelaybooleanfalsefalseWhether to enable TCP with no delay or not.
    keepAlivebooleanfalsefalseWhether to enable a keepalive to Redis or not.
    connectTimeoutlongfalse10000The time to wait before timing out when connecting in milliseconds.
    operationTimeoutlongfalse10000The time before an operation is marked as timed out in milliseconds .
    batchTimeMsintfalse1000The Redis operation time in milliseconds.
    batchSizeintfalse200The batch size of writing to Redis database.


    Before using the Redis sink connector, you need to create a configuration file in the path you will start the Pulsar service (PULSAR_HOME) through one of the following methods.

    • JSON

      "configs": {
      "redisHosts": "localhost:6379",
      "redisPassword": "mypassword",
      "redisDatabase": "0",
      "clientMode": "Standalone",
      "operationTimeout": "2000",
      "batchSize": "1",
      "batchTimeMs": "1000",
      "connectTimeout": "3000"
    • YAML

      redisHosts: "localhost:6379"
      redisPassword: "mypassword"
      redisDatabase: 0
      clientMode: "Standalone"
      operationTimeout: 2000
      batchSize: 1
      batchTimeMs: 1000
      connectTimeout: 3000


    This example shows how to write records to a Redis database using the Pulsar Redis connector.

    1. Start a Redis server.

      docker pull redis:5.0.5
      docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name my-redis redis:5.0.5 --requirepass "mypassword"
    2. Start a Pulsar service locally in standalone mode.

      bin/pulsar standalone

      Make sure the NAR file is available at connectors/pulsar-io-redis-3.3.5.nar.

    3. Start the Pulsar Redis connector in local run mode using one of the following methods.

      • Use the JSON configuration file as shown previously.
      bin/pulsar-admin sinks localrun \
      --archive $PWD/connectors/pulsar-io-redis-3.3.5.nar \
      --tenant public \
      --namespace default \
      --name my-redis-sink \
      --sink-config '{"redisHosts": "localhost:6379","redisPassword": "mypassword","redisDatabase": "0","clientMode": "Standalone","operationTimeout": "3000","batchSize": "1"}' \
      --inputs my-redis-topic
      • Use the YAML configuration file as shown previously.
      bin/pulsar-admin sinks localrun \
      --archive $PWD/connectors/pulsar-io-redis-3.3.5.nar \
      --tenant public \
      --namespace default \
      --name my-redis-sink \
      --sink-config-file $PWD/redis-sink-config.yaml \
      --inputs my-redis-topic
    4. Publish records to the topic.

      bin/pulsar-client produce \
      persistent://public/default/my-redis-topic \
      -k "streaming" \
      -m "Pulsar"
    5. Start a Redis client in Docker.

      docker exec -it my-redis redis-cli -a "mypassword"
    6. Check the key/value in Redis.> keys *
      1) "streaming"> get "streaming"