- [fix][sec] Upgrade to Netty 4.1.115.Final to address CVE-2024-47535 (#23596)
- [improve] Upgrade OpenTelemetry library to 1.44.1 version (#23656)
- [fix][admin] Fix lookup get a null result if uses proxy (#23556)
- [fix][client] Fix DLQ producer name conflicts when there are same name consumers (#23577)
- [fix][client] Fix Reader.hasMessageAvailable return wrong value after seeking by timestamp with startMessageIdInclusive (#23502)
- [fix][client] Fix ReaderBuilder doest not give illegalArgument on connection failure retry (#22639)
- [fix][client] Fix deadlock of NegativeAcksTracker (#23651)
- [fix][client] Fix producer/consumer stop to reconnect or Pub/Sub due to IO thread race-condition (#23499)
- [fix][client] Fix race-condition causing doReconsumeLater to hang when creating retryLetterProducer has failed (#23560)
- [fix][client] Fix the javadoc for ConsumerBuilder.isAckReceiptEnabled (#23452)
- [fix][client] Fixed an issue where a cert chain could not be used in TLS authentication (#23644)
- [fix][client] Initializing client-authentication using configured auth params (#23610)
- [fix][client] Make protobuf-java dependency optional in java client libraries (#23632)
- [fix][client] Prevent embedding protobuf-java class files in pulsar-client-admin and pulsar-client-all (#23468)
- [fix][client] The partitionedProducer maxPendingMessages always is 0 (#23593)
- [fix][client] Use dedicated executor for requests in BinaryProtoLookupService (#23378)
- [fix][client] fix incomingMessageSize and client memory usage is negative (#23624)
- [fix][client] fix the beforeConsume() method earlier hit with message listener (#23578)
- [improve][admin] Print error log if handle http response fails (#23563)
- [improve][client] Enhance error handling for non-exist subscription in consumer creation (#23254)
- [improve][client] Increase default Java client connectionMaxIdleSeconds to 60 seconds (#23430)
- [improve][client] Reduce unshaded dependencies and shading warnings in shaded Java client modules (#23647)
- [improve][client] Replace NameUtil#generateRandomName with RandomStringUtils#randomAlphanumeric (#23645)
- Enabling DNS retryOnTimeout with TCP in DnsNameResolver (#23590)